Statues for Equality FAQs
How did the idea for this project come about?
• In 2015, Greater Rochester Arts and Cultural Trust, with support from the City of Rochester, created a Public Art Master Plan for Rochester
• Greater Rochester Arts and Cultural Trust has six generative goals for planned projects
• An important generative goal is Arts Experience Enhancement, which is to collaborate with arts and cultural partners to inspire and enhance the overall arts
scene in Rochester
• Statues For Equality is a public arts project that supports the organization's goals and the Public Arts Master Plan for the City of Rochester
• Encourage the integration of public art in daily interactions of residents and visitors public life
Describe the impacts of this project.
• Cold Spring Monuments will create the base for the statue and install the statue in the park (SEMAC grant to fund part of cost]
• Public artwork helps to create a welcoming community
• Project will serve people of all demographics (age, race, and sex), community members and visitors to the community
• This experience will make learning fun, participants will appreciate the accessible and unique learning process
• Project will foster community pride, understanding, sense of belonging, and enhances the quality of life for residents
• Having a public display of inspirational women for the community to see is a tangible step towards a more equal society
How does this project enhance the community?
• Statues For Equality fits within the goals and objectives of the Public Art Master Plan adopted in 2015 for the City of Rochester
• Highlights public art in the community
• Connects Rochester with the international effort to increase representation of women in statuary world-wide
• Public art contributes to a community's identity
• Statues For Equality will share information and create deeper understanding by highlight the history, culture, and public art by presenting the "stories" of the
women featured
• This bronze statue will be added as a site for the Med City Talking Trail public art project
• Project connects organizations in a shared mission