Statues for Equality, Rochester, MN
Amelia P. Hatfield Witherstine
Support the creation of a statue to recognize and celebrate the contributions of women in the Rochester Community.
Amelia P. Hatfield Witherstine
1st Woman Elected to the Rochester School Board (1911)
1st Woman President of the Rochester School Board (1914-1923)
1st Woman to Serve on an Olmsted County Jury (early 1920s)
To donate, write checks to: Greater Rochester Arts and Cultural Trust
Note on check: Statues For Equality
Mailing Address:
Greater Rochester Arts and Cultural Trust 220 Broadway Avenue S, Suite 100
Rochester, MN 55904
Contact for Additional Information:
Judy Hickey
Greater Rochester Arts and Cultural Trust
Office: 507-424-5683
History Center of Olmsted County -
Amelia Witherstine